SAI20 Summit 2024

The 3rd edition of SAI20 Summit scheduled to be held in Belém, Brazil, from June 16 – 18, has the primary objective to adopt the SAI20 Communiqué. The document represents the collective stance and recommendations of the engagement group of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) on key issues related to Climate Finance & Energy Transitions and Fight against Hunger and Poverty.


SAI20 Communiqué

English version

Versão em português


SAI20 Summit Final Agenda – English

SAI20 Summit  Programação Final – Português

Discussion Panels

Introduction to Speakers and Panelists

Day 1 (June 17)
Panel 1 – Strategies and Challenges for Climate Finance & Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions

Panel 2 – Multidimensional Poverty in the context of climate change

Day 2 (June 18)
Synergies between the SAI20 and INTOSAI and Adoption of the Communiqué

SAI20 Summit photo coverage

Opening ceremony

Troika opening statements

Bilateral meetings on June 17

Strategies and Challenges for Climate Finance & Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions

Multidimensional Poverty in the context of climate change

Communiqué presentation, synergies between the SAI20 and INTOSAI session, and closing ceremony

SAI20 Summit Broadcast

Monday (June 17) – Morning session

Monday (June 17) – Afternoon session

Tuesday (June 18)

General information for Participants

SAI20 Summit – Participant Handbook

Participants’ registration

SAI20 Summit Invitation Letter

SAI20 Summit Registration Form

SAI20 Summit Alternative Registration Form*

SAI20 Summit – Fixed rate hotels

* The SAI20 Summit Alternative Registration Form is a.docx document to be downloaded, filled and sent to the organizers in case you experience any dificulties accessing the regular registration form