TCU Assesses Its Role at the Helm of SAi20 During its Leadership Transition Meeting

Posted in News on 30 Oct 2024

October 29, the President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Minister Bruno Dantas, provided an overview of the key agendas addressed by the Court while leading the SAi20 group – engagement group of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from the G20 member countries. The TCU has been chairing the group since December 2023, and the leadership will transition to South Africa at the end of this year.

During the 78th meeting of the INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions) Governing Board held in Cairo, Egypt, Minister Bruno Dantas delivered a speech to mark the transition of leadership within the organization. In his address, he emphasized that this event represents not only a shift in leadership but also reaffirms the steadfast commitment to strengthening the collective voice SAIs worldwide.”

The TCU’s strategic priorities during its presidency, aligned with the G20 agenda and Brazil’s government commitments, included climate financing, energy transition, and fighting hunger and poverty.

The minister noted that the conclusion of Brazil’s presidency in 2024 brings a strong sense of accomplishment and optimism.

“Over the past months, we have engaged in discussions on pressing global issues, exchanged ideas, and paved a way toward a just and sustainable planet. We have embraced the ambitious climate agenda set forth by the G20, ensuring that our work significantly contributes to the planet’s sustainability and the preservation of human dignity,” said Dantas.

During its presidency, the TCU sought diverse perspectives by inviting various SAIs and organizations to participate in the SAi20 discussions. This inclusive approach reflects Brazil’s commitment to fostering broader and more inclusive dialogue. Invited institutions included the National Development Bank (BNDES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV).

Expressing optimism about the leadership transition, Dantas stated, “I am confident that under the presidency of the South African SAI, the SAi20 will continue to thrive and pave the way for a more equitable and sustainable future for all. The TCU remains committed to supporting South Africa in this shared mission to ensure the well-being of people and the planet for future generations.

During its SAi20 presidency, the TCU convened several meetings to guide G20 discussions. By developing concrete policy recommendations, the TCU highlighted the strategic value of SAIs to their governments, and three key meetings were held in 2024.

Technical online sessions were held between February and March to collaboratively identify and prioritize key messages for endorsement by the SAIs.

In April, the TCU hosted a senior official’s meeting to prepare for the Leaders’ Summit. This meeting focused on constructing a Communiqué that would represent the collective voice of the SAi20 institutions. The Leaders’ Summit, held in Belém (PA) from June 16 to 18, concluded with the formal adoption of the Communiqué by the G20.