SAi20 Summit gathers national and international authorities in Belém

Posted in News on 7 Jun 2024

During the opening plenary session on June 6th, Minister Bruno Dantas, President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), highlighted the upcoming SAi20 Summit, scheduled to take place on June 16-18 in Belém, Pará. SAi20 is the engagement group of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from the G20 member countries.

Under the presidency of the TCU in 2024, SAi20 focuses on discussions related to fighting hunger and poverty, climate finance, transparency, and fair and equitable energy transitions for all nations. These themes align with the Brazilian government’s priorities during its G20 presidency.

These topics—whose public policies we oversee—were chosen due to their global relevance and urgency.” They also reflect the essence of Brazil’s presidency in the G20, which aims to promote a balance among the social, economic, and environmental pillars of sustainable development,” emphasized the President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts.

During the Summit, leaders of the SAi20 plan to adopt the final version of the Communiqué, a statement consolidating actions prioritized by SAIs to address the climate crisis, hunger, and poverty. The document will be presented to the G20 during a meeting of the Sherpas— Leaders from each country who guide the discussions and agreements up to the final summit with heads of state and government.—on July 4 in Rio de Janeiro.

“The role of Supreme Audit Institutions is crucial in ensuring the effective implementation of public policies, with efficient and transparent use of resources, aiming for tangible societal outcomes. In this regard, collaboration with the G20 is essential for tackling contemporary pressing challenges, including the establishment of accountability mechanisms and results evaluation,” emphasized Dantas.

Read President Bruno Dantas’s full statement in portuguese here.

Learn more about SAi20 at